Yes, reading does this. But writing...
Writing is one of those lonely vocations, is it not my fellow members of
The Insecure Writers Support Group. The initial act done, for all intents and purposes, alone with ones works. But I must contend, are we really alone then?
As a child, some may call them imaginary friends. And some medicated individuals call them "the voices in their head". But we writers know these apparitions as our characters. Part us trying to understand ourselves, part amalgam of those we want to better understand, and if we are lucky our characters grow and become something of their own.
I don't know about you, but when a character begins to break free of the mould I originally made for it, it begins to stay with me. At least it sometime feels that way. During quiet times (when my life and my two year old allows me) characters visit me as passing thoughts. And when I write, I feel like I have become a passing thought in their lives. Someone among them, but just out of the way as to not get in the way of their lives.
So alone? No, not alone while I write. And of course, I have all of you when I leave their company.
Now don't forget the coffee, or neglect the cookies and donuts, on your way out of today's meeting of the IWSG.