Wednesday, June 5, 2013

WIP Wednesday: Insecure Writer's Support Group in Session.

I have done a handful of things that have yielded great reward over the years.  Working in the Mental Health field, loving my husband, becoming a mother...  None of these things were or are always easy.  The best things never are.  And I did not pursue these things to be rewarded.  That came as a happy side effect.

But writing...

Once I get past the procrastination and excuses, the act of writing (and art) feels as easy to me as breathing.  Far easier than the other rewarding choices in my life.  So why do I not pursue the act of creating, the way I do my more difficult vocations?  Something so self rewarding and so easy for me, if I just cut the procrastinators bull shit and pick up my pen and lay fingers to keys...

Because, maybe writing is just for me?  And I have a hard time giving myself a chance at good things...

I see that.

Okay, well thanks Insecure Writer's Support Group for the therapy session.  We have found yet another case of "Own Worst Enemy".   Free cookies and coffee on your way out...



  1. Hugs and chocolate to you, Nicole.


  2. Great quote up there.

    Procrastination is my biggest enemy... I came for the cookies and the coffee but I enjoyed the therapy too :D

    Nice meeting you!

    1. Thanks S.K.! Nice meeting you too! Fellow procrastinators always welcome....when we get around to it. ;)

  3. Haha. Yes. I was wondering about this today. I rarely get uninterrupted writing time, and then when I do, I just can't settle myself! :) My mind wants to come up with things I SHOULD be doing. But then, once I actually start writing, whole DAYS could pass and I wouldn't notice. Can you imagine? A whole day to do nothing but write?? *drools*
    Kaye Draper at Write Me

    1. Lord, that sounds exactly like me. And I am mopping the drool off my mug right now. I do imagine. It's like my hottest fantasy these days.

  4. "Seek out new voices, strange sights, and bold ideas. Such things are riches for the soul." --Linda Staten. I love quotes--thanks for sharing, and for the cookies and coffee *takes a sip*

  5. Hi Nicole, nice to meet you. Appreciate the cookie. Another name for this group probably could be 'The Own Worse Enemy Club', because that is surely what we all are.

    1. Can not help but agree. At least most artists and writers I have met. Thanks!

  6. Give yourself that chance and enjoy it!

    1. I think I would be the better for it. Thanks M.J.!

  7. I am a fully paid up member of that 'own worst enemy' club! Until you're actually making your living from writing, sometimes it does need to sit on the backburner. Life takes up a lot of time.

    Maybe cut back on just one form of procrastination. You'll probably be surprised how much writing you can get done in, say, just half and hour a day. But it is tough, and you'll find a load of fellow procrastinators in IWSG!

    1. Some very good advice worth taking, Angeline. And I am realizing I'm in good company. Thank you very much.

  8. When I get stymied, when I really get stuck and the procrastination begins, it's usually because I don't know where to go with my story. I don't have a plan. That's just me, but it might help to sit down for five minutes and write out a quick plan of what you want to happen next. Now if you already do this, I am being no help at all and I'm sorry for that.

    Oooh cookies! Aww man, who ate all the oreos? I guess I'll have a chocolate chip cookie but I plan to make faces while I eat it.

    1. Just knowing I am not alone and in great company, helps me immensely. And so sorry about the Oreos......BURP!!!!

  9. Procrastination always gets me too. Then once I get writing, I wonder why I dawdled so long! Maybe you need some cheerleaders, friends who you can turn to when the procrastination bug is gnawing on you. They'll kick it's butt and get you writing. =)

    1. I feel the same after I have finally started up again. And I do have a few earnest cheerleaders who come in and out of my creative world. I use to attend 2 writers groups, but both folded while I was on "maternity leave". I love my online buds (new and old), but I need some face to face time locally.

      BTW, I thank all of you for checking in and giving me a bit of cheer. I hope I can do the same.



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