Wednesday, September 1, 2010

WIP Wednesday: Another Lesson Learned

The best laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft a-gley.

~~~ Robert Burns ("To a Mouse")

[Popularly misquoted as: The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray]

When beginning and following through with any project, one must be a good judge and scheduler of time. I was neither this weekend or even now, while I write this post. But I had the best intentions...

Like most of you, I have personal and professional obligations in my life. In order to keep those obligations met, I follied my writing and blogging time. I could have scheduled better. Coulda Woulda Shoulda.

Lesson learned: Continue to advertise others Blogfests and Contests. It's fun to do, good for the writing community and it's just good karma. But... NEVER enter one unless you have the time to visit other entries and give them the time you hope they give to you. It's just the right thing to do--the fair thing.

I wish all of you luck and a better scheduled week than mine. I hope to stop by and see a few of you soon.

Good day and good writing!



  1. Writing blogfests are a real commitment - the only blogfest I joined (it's finished now) was a flash fiction one - so the stories were under 40 words and only 5/6 of us participated! That was great - shame it finished.

    I did like your fairy story btw. :-)

    Have a lovely day!!

    take care

  2. i did two blogfests, one in december for the best non-kiss scene, and one in january for the best kiss scene. i think there were over 100 people in the mr. linky line-up for the first, and that about killed me, b/c of course i wanted to reciprocate and go to people's blogs and read their scenes....but heck, working full time, full-time wife/mom....i was up WAY too late and my clients suffered for it the next day. so....i agree with the moral to your story. :)

    thanks for stopping by my blog and being a follower. i've reciprocated. :)

    the character therapist

  3. That's the reason I haven't been entering any lately. I keep forgetting to post links on my blog, or put them on my sidebar, etc. It's just not fair to the host/hostess or the other entrants. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way!

  4. I signed up for my first blogfest, Stephanie Thornton's haiku, that takes place this weekend. Of course, a month ago when I signed up, there were no conflicts, nothing planned that would get in the way of participation. Then this week, my husband decides this is the weekend we need to visit the parents, out of town. I'll have to lug the laptop out there and explain why I have to spend time away from the parents, so I can see this thing through. Aargh! Great timing.

    So, you're right, Nicole. Signing up at the last minute, when I'm sure I'll have the chance to do it right may be the way to go in future.

  5. Eh, sooner or later something got to give, and better the bloggy stuff than other commitments. (At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it.) My week was full of other stuff and my blogging suffered, but I kept the other balls in the air. This time.

    Hang in there, and don't forget to breathe. =o)

  6. Old Kitty: Thanks Kitty, it was fun to write. And you are right about blogfests being a real commitment. Although yours sounded real cool!

    Jeannie Campbell, LMFT: I so feel your pain. The whole juggling thing...sooo much fun.

    The Words Crafter: I have done the same thing. Right now I am catching up with my blogging. And thank you for letting me know I am not alone, too.

    Cort Ellyn: Sounds like a story all its own. I hope it turned out with little family casualty.

    B.E. Sanderson: YES! The voice of reason. Thank you B.E. and I will--breath that is. ;-D



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